SCH Number 2008109017

Project Info

Agreement 2008-0115-R4-GPA No. 07-1715-Rio Bravo Medical Campus
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is issuing Amendment #1 to the Streambed Alteration Agreement issued for the Rio Bravo Medical Campus, and an extension of the Agreement term to October 10, 2018. Project changes include the plans for a storm drain connecting an existing drain at Highway 178 to a downslope drain in Kirkaldy Drive. The storm drain construction will include trenching and installing of a 24-inch diameter storm drain pipe. The project will include 1,315 linear feet on pipeline, of which 603 linear feet are occurring within CDFW jurisdiction.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Bakersfield Amendment #1 to Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2008-0115-R4 for the Rio Bravo Medical Campus
City of Bakersfield Agreement 2008-0115-R4-GPA No. 07-1715-Rio Bravo Medical Campus