SCH Number 2008101110

Project Info

Zone Change 15, Map 140; PD Plan 5, Map 140; Exclusion from Ag Preserve 10; Tentative Parcel Map 11235
The Project involves the development of an oilfield equipment staging/storage area and warehouse of two portions of an 80-acre vacant parcel. The project as authorized in the ITP will result in permanent impacts to 7.5 acres of San Joaquin kit fox (SJKF)(Vulpes macrotis mutica), San Joaquin antelope squirrel, and Tipton kangaroo rat. Major Amendment No. 1 (Amendment) includes the installation, removal, and restoration of an additional temporary storage facility constructed after ITP issuance, which resulted in temporary impacts to 0.02 acres associated with a facility comprised of compacted gravel base and three tanks within a 45 feet by 20 feet or 900 sf feet footprint. The Amendment requires a corresponding increase to the required Habitat Management (HM) lands by 0.06 acres, for a total of 30.06 acres.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Oilfield Contractor Yards (CA Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-066-04 (ITP) Major Amendment No. 1)
Kern County Zone Change 15, Map 140; PD Plan 5, Map 140; Exclusion from Ag Preserve 10; Tentative Parcel Map 11235
Kern County Zone Change 15, Map 140; PD Plan 5, Map 140; Exclusion from Ag Preserve 10; Tentative Parcel Map 11235