SCH Number 2008101006

Project Info

Fairhaven/Lincoln and Santa Clara/Lincoln Intersection Modifications
NOTE: Reference SCH# 2000091065 Since certification of the Santa Ana Second Main Track Project (EIR) by the Southern California Regional Rail Authority in June 4, 2002 (SCH# 2000091065), new information has been received with regard to physical hazards that will require project revisions and additional environmental analysis, in accordance with Section 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines. Revisions to the original project would permanently close the Lincoln Avenue vehicle lanes from Fairhaven Avenue to Park Lane and construct a cul-de-sac on Fairhaven Avenue at the railroad tracks. Additionally, to improve safety at the Santa Clara Avenue and Lincoln Avenue intersection a traffic signal would be installed and intersection modifications would occur.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Ana Fairhaven/Lincoln and Santa Clara/Lincoln Intersection Modifications
City of Santa Ana Fairhaven/Lincoln and Santa Clara/Lincoln Intersection Modifications
City of Santa Ana Fairhaven/Lincoln and Santa Clara/Lincoln Intersection Modifications