SCH Number 2008092049

Project Info

Conditional Use Permit #2008-003 and Reclamation Plan #2008-001
North Valley Rock Products, LLC (NVR) has applied for Conditional Use Permit #2008-003 and Reclamation Plan #2008-001 to mine sand and gravel on Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 023-150-013, 023-160-003, and 023-160-004, NVR expects to mine approximately 20,000,000 tons of material from these parcels and has requested a 40 year permit. The mined material will not be processed onsite; rather, it will be trucked to two existing processing facilities. Material excavated from the site will be transported via County Roads "S", "33", "P", and County Road "39". The purpose of the project is to secure a source of local aggregate to replace seven other existing aggregate mining sites in the area that will be phased out over the next 1-4 years.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Glenn County Conditional Use Permit #2008-003 and Reclamation Plan #2008-001
Glenn County Conditional Use Permit #2008-003 and Reclamation Plan #2008-001
Glenn County Conditional Use Permit #2008-003 and Reclamation Plan #2008-001