SCH Number 2008068340
Project Info
- Title
- Ranch EA 1
- Description
- The project involves the stabilization of an eroding upland gully that is connected to a creek. To limit further livestock impacts to the site, 3,425' of fencing will be installed along both sides of the main tributary, and two existing livestock crossings with active headcuts downstream of their position will be stabilized using rock headcut repairs. The restoration component of the first phase of the project will stabilize a 150 foot long, steep upland gully connected to the drainage. The project includes three-loose rock grade control structures combined with a grass-lined waterway. The upper portion of the gully will be stabilized with a sedge mattress which includes compacted soil locked into place with soil filled coir rolls and covered with coir twine mat anchored in place with 18" soil pins. Through the coir twine mat, sedge and perennial grass plugs will be installed 18" on center. The eroded side slopes will be laid back at 2:1 or flatter and planted with native trees and shrubs.
4 documents in project