SCH Number 2008061110

Project Info

Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project
SWRCB is the responsible agency for this project/ The SWRCB Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program is providing funds for the project. The LADWP proposes to replace the uncovered Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir with a buried concrete storage structure, which would be sited essentially within the existing reservoir. The concrete storage structure would provide a minimum of 81 MG of potable water storage. The area atop the buried concrete storage structure would be planted, and a pedestrian strail system would be established within the Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir complex property to provide for passive recreation activity. A restroom/storage facility would be provided adjacent to parking area.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project
City of Los Angeles Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project
City of Los Angeles Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project
City of Los Angeles Upper Stone Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Project