SCH Number 2008042064

Project Info

Pomo Bluffs Park Trail Extension Project
Develop coastal access, trail, and amenity improvements consistent with the Pomo Bluffs Management Plan. Specific improvements include: approximately 500 lineal feet 10-foot wide, accessible, paved bicycle and pedestrian path along three easement segments, approximately 500 feet of split rail fencing along the southern boundary adjacent to the Recreational Vehicle Park, park identification, informational and rules signs, trash/recycling receptacles, dog waste mitt dispensers, two park benches and protective removable bollards.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fort Bragg Pomo Bluffs Park Trail Extension Project
City of Fort Bragg Pomo Bluffs Park Trail Extension Project
City of Fort Bragg Pomo Bluffs Park Trail Extension Project