SCH Number 2008041103

Project Info

Palm Desert Sheriff Station Project
The project is construction and operation of a new Sheriff Station of approximately 85,496 square feet with a 20-foot by 20-foot rooftop helipad, parking for 470 vehicles, a fleet fueling station, wash bay for oversize vehicles, and bioswales for stormwater pollution management. By 2025 staffing would consist of 350 sworn and 100 non-sworn personnel for a total of 450. The helipad would be used intermittently for emergency purposes. General Plan land use designation would change to Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and zoning would change to Public Institution (P).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Palm Desert Palm Desert Sheriff Station Project
City of Palm Desert Palm Desert Sheriff Station Project
City of Palm Desert Palm Desert Sheriff Station Project