SCH Number 2008021005

Project Info

Arsenic Rule Compliance for Wells 9A, 10, 11, and 13 Project
The Indian Weels Valley Water District is proposing to construct and operate two arsenic treatment facilities for existing Wells 9A, 10, 11, & 13. The treatment facilities will be constructed at Wells 9A and 13. The treatment facility at Well 9A will treat water from Wells 9A and 10, and the treatment facility at Well 13 will treat water from Wells 11 and 13. The treatment facilities will consist of an oxidation, coagulation, and filtration system for removal of arsenic from the groundwater. The production capacity of each of the four wells is approximately 1,200gpm, and the maximum capacity of the arsenic treatment system will be 2,400gpm each.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Indian Wells Valley Water District Permitting and Operation of Arsenic Treatment for Wells 9A, 10, 11, & 13
Indian Wells Valley Water District Arsenic Rule Compliance for Wells 9A, 10, 11, and 13 Project
Indian Wells Valley Water District Arsenic Rule Compliance for Wells 9A, 10, 11, and 13 Project