SCH Number 2008011069

Project Info

The Ripcurl Project
1. Amendment of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance by adding Ch. 218 to establish the Mixed Use-Transit Center Dist. zoning and development standards; 2. Amend the General Plan Land Use designation from the current Commercial General to the proposed Mixed Use designation for The Ripcurl site; 3. Amend the Zoning designation from the current Commercial General to the proposed Mixed Use-Transit Center Dist. designation for The Ripcurl site; and 4. Permit the development of a 382,700sf. six-story mixed use residential and commercial development consisting of 385 residential units (including 11 live/work units), 10,000sf. of commercial uses, parking and assoc. on and off-site infrastructure.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Huntington Beach The Ripcurl Project (Environmental Impact Report No. 07-004, Zoning Text Amendment No. 07-004, General Plan Amendment No. 07-003, Zoning Map Amendment No. 07-00
City of Huntington Beach The Ripcurl Project
City of Huntington Beach The Ripcurl Project
City of Huntington Beach The Ripcurl Project