SCH Number 2007112112

Project Info

Garey Slaughter - Minor Subdivision and General Plan Amendment - MS0713 and GPA0702
General Plan Amendment and Minor Subdivision of a 57.5+/- acre parcel into four parcels and a remainder. The project area is zoned FR-1 (Forest Recreation - One acre minimum lot size) and TPZ (Timber Preserve Zone); the General Plan land use designation is TBR (Timberland). The applicant has requested that the General Plan land use designation for the proposed subdivision area be amended to RR-1/1 (Rural Residential - One acre minimum lot size) within the areas currently zoned FR-1.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Del Norte County Garey Slaughter - Minor Subdivision and General Plan Amendment - MS0713 and GPA0702
Del Norte County Garey Slaughter - Minor Subdivision and General Plan Amendment - MS0713 and GPA0702