SCH Number 2007102015
Project Info
- Title
- Japantown Corporation Yard Redevelopment Project
- Description
- The proposed project would include up to 600 market-rate residential units, up to 30,000 square feet of retail space, a 10,000 to 20,000 square foot community amenity space, and up to 900 underground/surface parking spaces on the Corporation Yard site. As a variation on the proposed project, up to 15,000 square feet of retail space may be replaced with up to 24 live/work units. The existing surface parking lot would be redeveloped as an affordable senior housing complex including up to 85 units of affordable housing and 40 parking spaces. Project buildings would range from 6 to 14 stories for the residential/mixed-uses and 1 to 2 stories for the community amenity uses. As the location and height of project buildings is conceptual at this time, this EIR evaluates a 14-story building envelope for the Corporation Yard site. A 6-story building envelope is evaluated for the surface parking lot site. The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment (File # GP07-03-04) and an amendment to the Jackson-Taylor Residential Strategy to change the land use designation to allow the proposed mix of uses, allow increased height and density on the project site, increase the caps on development to the extent required, and amend relevant design principles. The site would be rezoned to A (PD) Planned Development Zoning District (File #PDC07-073).
2 documents in project