SCH Number 2007101059

Project Info

Saco Ranch Commercial Center (GPA/ZC 06-2247, Annexation No. 608)
NOTE: Extended review to end on 4/12/2010 per lead. NOTE: Review Per Lead The proposed project consists of the annexation of ~300.98 acres within unincorporated Kern County into the City's corporate limits, an amendment to the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Land Use Element, and a concurrent zone change. In addition, the Project Applicant requests a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) site plan review be considered in conjunction with the proposed Project's General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Zone Change (ZC). The proposed GPA would chamge the land use designation from SR (Suburban Residential), SI (Service Industrial), LI (Light Industrial), LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) (~144 acres). Approximately 156 acres would remain SI. The proposed zone change would change the current zoning from A (Exclusive Agriculture), M-2 PD (Medium Industrial-Precise Development), and R-1 (Low Density Residential) to the folllowing classifications: C-2/PD (Regional Commercial/Planned Commercial Development), C-O/PCD (Professional and Administrative Office/Planned Commercial Development), and M-2 (General Manufacturing).
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Bakersfield Saco Ranch Commercial Center (GPA/ZC 06-2247)
City of Bakersfield Saco Ranch Commercial Center (GPA/ZC 06-2247)
City of Bakersfield Saco Ranch Commercial Center (GPA/ZC 06-2247)
City of Bakersfield Saco Ranch Commercial Center (GPA/ZC 06-2247)