SCH Number 2007091064

Project Info

Fresno Southeast Walmart Expansion Project
NOTE: Review per lead The proposed project consists of the following two main development phases: 1) Expansion and remodeling of the existing Walmart store and parking area from an existing developed area of 15.2 acres to a planned developed area of 19.2 acres; 2) Development of 5.7 acres of vacant land in the southwest portion of the project site with four retail buildings and two restaurants on four parcels ranging in size from 1.0 acres to 2.0 acres.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno City of Fresno EIR No. 10138, the EIR prepared for the Southeast Walmart Expansion Project
City of Fresno Fresno Southeast Walmart Expansion Project
City of Fresno Fresno Southeast Walmart Expansion Project
City of Fresno Fresno Southeast Walmart Expansion Project