SCH Number 2007081057

Project Info

Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery Product Reliability and Optimization Project
Chevron is proposing modifications to an installation of new equipment at the El Segundo Refinery. Proposed modifications will occur in the No. 2 Crude Unit, No. 2 Residuum Stripper Unit, Minalk/Merox Unit, Waste Gas Compressors, Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit, Alkylation Unit, Vacuum Residuum Desulfurization Unit, ISOMAX Unit, Cogeneration Facilities, Railcar Loading/Unloading Rack, and improvements to electricity and water service systems. New process units include sulfur processing facilities (i.e., Sour Water Stripper, Sulfur Recovery Unit, and Tail Gas Unit), Vapor Recovery and Flare System, Water Treatment Facilities (i.e., reverse osmosis units and oxygen units and oxygen removal units), additional storage capacity, a new cooling tower, and hydrogen compression and transfer facilities. The analysis concluded that emissions due to construction may exceed the SCAQMD's daily significance threshold. The proposed project was also concluded to have potentially significant transportation/traffic impacts. Energy, hazardous and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, noise, and solid and hazardous waste impacts were concluded to be less than significant.
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South Coast Air Quality Management District Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery Product Reliability and Optimization Project
South Coast Air Quality Management District Chevron Products Company El Segundo Refinery Product Reliability and Optimization Project