SCH Number 2007072126

Project Info

Biofuels Oasis (1441 Ashby Avenue)
Project would establish a Full Service Restaurant (FSR) within an existing vacant commercial tenant space, with no expansion or substantial exterior changes to the existing building. The subject tenant space is located in the southeast corner of the building and includes 3,405 square fet at the ground floor and a 1,877-square-foot basement, for a total of 5,282 square feet. The portion of the ground floor devoted to customer seating (including a bar) is approximately 1,900 square feet. The FSR includes incidental service of beer, wine and distilled spirits, and hours of operation until 11:30 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 12 midnight, Friday and Saturday.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Berkeley 2635 Ashby Avenue Project
City of Berkeley Biofuels Oasis (1441 Ashby Avenue)