SCH Number 2007072038
Project Info
- Title
- General Plan Amendment 2007-05, Rezone 2007-08, Lot Line Adjustment 2007-25 - Frantz Landscape Center
- Description
- Request to amend the General Plan and rezone five (5) acres from A-2-40 (General Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) and construct a retail landscape business in two (2) phases. Phase one (1) is to build a 1,800 square foot retail/commercial building and a 22,100 square foot shade canopy on five (5) acres for retailing landscaping. The project is to expand the existing wholesale tree nursery with a commercial element. Phase (2) is to complete the development area of the five (5) acre property by doubling the shade structure area, parking and office area. The project will allow an existing wholesale tree nursery to continue to grow and expand.
2 documents in project