SCH Number 2007071125

Project Info

Wilcox Mine PMR 06-001
PMR 06-001: Surface Mining Permit/Reclamation Plan to allow for the excavation of rock and gravel from an approximately 150 acre excavation site in a 310 acre project area. The Project Applicant is Mitchell Brown, 14200 Road 284, Porterville, CA 93257. Contact Person Mitch Brown, 559-781-6389.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Tulare County Wilcox Mine Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan
Tulare County Wilcox Mine PMR 06-001
Tulare County Wilcox Mine PMR 06-001
Tulare County Wilcox Mine PMR 06-001
Tulare County Wilcox Pit; PMR No. 06-001