SCH Number 2007071034

Project Info

Airport Boulevard Water Transmission Pipeline
The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) proposes to install a 24-inch water transmission main along Airport Boulevard from Harrison Street to Higgins Drive/Tyler Street and a 30-inch water transmission main along Airport Boulevard from Polk Street to just east of the Coachella Canal. The approximate 5.25-mile (1.0 mile for the 24-inch portion and 4.25 miles for the 30-inch portion) water transmission main is proposed predominantly along the south side of Airport Boulevard, mostly within Riverside County right-of-way. The water transmission pipeline will cross Harrison Street, State Highway 111, the Union Pacific Railroad, the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, State Highway 86S and the Coachella Canal. All of these crossings are expected to be below-grade crossings. The construction of the water transmission pipeline will be completed in sections. The first section, from State Highway 86S to just west of the Coachella Canal, is expected to be completed by the end of 2007. The remaining section(s) is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2008. The purpose of the project is to improve domestic water service to existing and future customers. This water transmission main will be connected to the proposed Harrison Street water transmission pipeline that will be installed from the Harrison Street/Airport Boulevard intersection south to Avenue 86. The connection will result in the elimination of the smaller hydropneumatic Thermal Airport Water Pressure Zone and allow CVWD to provide more reliable domestic water service from the Middleton Road Water Pressure Zone. The water transmission pipeline terminus at the Coachella Canal will provide a connection point for a potential surface water treatment facility and/or a reservoir in the future.
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Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Airport Boulevard Water Transmission Pipeline
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Airport Boulevard Water Transmission Pipeline