SCH Number 2007071026

Project Info

Edison Avenue Railroad Grade Crossing Vacation and Closure
The Port of Long Beach (POLB) proposes to permanently close and vacate an approximately 200-foot long section of Edison Avenue, containing the at-grade railroad crossing located between Pier B Street and 9th Street. The purpose of the project is to increase public safety by eliminating an unguarded grade crossing. Southbound traffic from 9th Street would be prevented from entering Edison Avenue by the construction of a traffic island and appropriate signing. Traffic barriers would be erected north and south of the railroad tracks to prevent traffic from crossing. Conflicting road lane markings currently on both 9th Street and Pier B Street would be removed and appropriate signage added.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach, Edison Avenue Railroad Grade Crossing Vacation and Closure - HDP # 06-076
Port of Long Beach Edison Avenue Railroad Grade Crossing Vacation and Closure