SCH Number 2007071010

Project Info

Agua Mansa Commerce Center, Addendum to Environmental Impact Report
NOTE: Review Per Lead The applicant is proposing Tentative Tract Map 18250, to subdivide ~94.18 acres into 13 numbered lots, for future development of an industrial business center in the City of Colton. This Addendum prepared pursuant to CEQA is in response to the Superior Court of San Bernardino County's May 21, 2009 Ruling on Petition for Writ of Mandate. The City previously certified the EIR for the development of an industrial business park on ~94.18 acres located north of the Santa Ana River at the south east intersection of Riverside Avenue and Agua Mansa Road with ~1,365,450 sf of industrial development, a truck/trailer parking lot and a detention basin, as described in the EIR.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Colton Agua Mansa Commerce Center, Addendum to Environmental Impact Report
City of Colton Agua Mansa Commerce Center, Design Review Application and Tentative Tract Map 18250
City of Colton Agua Mansa Commerce Center, Design Review Application and Tentative Tract Map 18250
City of Colton Agua Mansa Commerce Center, Design Review Application and Tentative Tract Map 18250