SCH Number 2007062017
Project Info
- Title
- Natomas Levee Improvement Program (NLIP) - Bank Protection Project
- Description
- SAFCA is proposing to implement bank protection measures at nine sites along the east (left) bank of the Sacramento River in order to control erosion that threatens the integrity of the flood control system protecting the Natomas Basin area of Sacramento and Sutter Counties. The nine sites are located between RM 69 (upstream of the confluence with the American River at approximately the Interstate 5 river crossing) and RM 79 (the confluence with the Natomas Cross Canal). The project objectives are to (1) prevent erosion that could undermine or increase seepage through the existing levees by installing hardscape and vegetation to prevent further retreat of the existing riverbank as a result of floodflow scour and wave erosion; (2) allow as much of the existing vegetation as possible to remain in areas where work will be performed; (3) re-create riparian habitat and SRA cover in areas where bank protection work takes place; (4) mitigate any loss of riparian habitat and SRA cover associated with the project at the project site; and (5) provide net increases in riparian habitat that can offset future levee-tree removals for various sites throughout the project reach or adjacent reaches. This EIR analyzes the bank protection components of the NLIP that are proposed for construction in 2008 through 2010 and is tiered from the analysis in the EIR on Local Funding Mechanisms. Bank protection measures may be implemented using water-based construction options such as barges, or land-based construction options such as trucks and excavators. Both options have been evaluated in this EIR. The EIR also evaluates options for completing construction in 1, 2, or 3 years.
2 documents in project