SCH Number 2007061074

Project Info

Madera Redevelopment Project Amendment No. 3 and Associated Amendment Area Annexation
The Project involves the adoption and implementation of the Madera Redevelopment Project, Amendment No. 3, encompassing approximately 623 acres. The Amendment Area is comprised of four non-contiguous sub-areas within territory outside the City of Madera boundaries, but within its designated Sphere of Influence. The Project also includes certain procedural and technical changes to the Redevelopment Plan, which is comprised of the Existing Redevelopment Plan. The proposed Project also includes the annexation of the 623 acre Amendment Area into the City of Madera, which will require approvals both from the City and LAFCO.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Madera Amendment No. 2 to the Madera Redevelopment Project
City of Madera Amendment No. 2 to the Madera Redevelopment Project
City of Madera Madera Redevelopment Project Amendment No. 3 and Associated Amendment Area Annexation
City of Madera Amendment No. 2 to the Madera Redevelopment Project