SCH Number 2007052141

Project Info

Hendricks Minor Subdivision and Secondary Dwelling Unit
A Minor Subdivision of two parcels resulting in four parcels total. The two existing parcels are each developed with a residence and Parcel 1 is developed with a Secondary Dwelling Unit. Proposed Parcels 3 and 4 will be approximately 8,529 square feet (net) and approximately 8,575 square feet (net) in size, each will be developed with a single family residence and attached secondary dwelling unit and each will be accessed via a private easement through APN 511-081-69 (Morgan, FMS-02-03) to the east onto Lynnea Court which is accessed via Underwood Court. The Special Permit is required for the Secondary Dwelling Units. All four parcels will be served with community sewer and water. An exception request per Section 325-9 of the Subdivision Regulations is requested to reduce the access road (from Lynnea Court) serving proposed Parcels 3 and 4 from the standard 40 foot right of way width to 20 feet. The existing residences on proposed Parcels 1 and 2 will continue to be accessed by Barnett Avenue, a public non-County maintained road.
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Humboldt County Opie Hendricks
Humboldt County Hendricks Minor Subdivision and Secondary Dwelling Unit