SCH Number 2007031129

Project Info

California State University, Dominguez Hills Master Plan
The proposed master plan calls for new and renovated academic and students service facilities as near-term improvements to more effectively accommodate future student enrollment. The proposed master plan addresses the academic and student service core of the CSUDH campus and does not include any development within the Home Depot Center complex. With the construction of new facilities, the proposed master plan provides for future construction of 1.9 million GSF of academic administrative and support space; 900 beds for student housing; 350 beds for faculty/staff housing units; and approximately 8,200 on-campus parking spaces for faculty and students. A portion of these overall improvements are planned as long-term implementation. The eight designated near-term projects are: Natural Sciences and Mathematics - 150,000 GSF, four story science and health professions laboratory building (#51); Extended Education Phase ll - 22,000 GSF, two-story facility to serve the College of Extended and International Education (#117); LaCorte Hall Expansion - 72,000 GSF, four-story addition to LaCorte Hall provide studio space for sculpting and painting, lecture and support space (#40A); Student Recreation Center - 110,400 GSF, recreation center near the existing gymnasium and playfields (#62); Faculty and Staff Housing - 110,000 GSF, 230 to 350 units in six structures, up to four stories in height on a 23-acre site (#74); Student Housing Phase 1 - 94,000 GSF, 300 beds in four structures, up to four stories in height (#72); Student Housing Phase ll - 188,000 GSF, 600 beds in six structures, up to four stories in height (#73); Parking Lot 8- 750 to 1,000 surface parking spaces.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State University Board of Trustees California State University, Dominguez Hills, Certify the Final EIR and Approve the Campus Master Plan Dated May 2010
California State University Board of Trustees California State University, Dominguez Hills Master Plan
California State University Board of Trustees California State University, Dominguez Hills Master Plan