SCH Number 2007022101
Project Info
- Title
- Hanna Court Warehouses
- Description
- The proposed project involves outfall installation and riparian enhancement at the proposed Hanna warehouse site on North Slough, tributary to the Napa River in American Canyon, California (APN #058-420-020,022,023 and 050). The applicant proposes to improve the 50-acre project site to accommodate two warehouse buildings. The 50-acre site is bordered by Oat Hill to the south, an industrial development to the west and north, and an open field to the east. Approximately 0.03 acres (1266 square feet) of bank will be impacted in addition to grading 0.244 acres of drainage features for project development. North Slough forms the northern property boundary, and mitigation includes riparian plantings within and on the banks of North Slough. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2007-0236-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to Neil Thompson, Stravinski Development Group, LLC.
3 documents in project