SCH Number 2007022080

Project Info

Skywalker Properties, LTD., Precise Development Plan
The existing project is an application to amend the Precise Development Plan approved on March 29, 2007 by the Deputy Zoning Administrator in order to allow the construction of an addition to the Brook House for studio office use at the Skywalker Ranch. The proposed addition would total approximately 1,536 square feet (measuring 48 feet by 32 feet) and extend east of the existing Brook House, immediately adjacent to the approved screening room addition. The land proposed for construction currently supports a mix of ruderal vegetation and also serves as a staging area for the existing Brook House construction activities. No trees are located within the footprint of the proposed addition, however there are many native trees located nearby. The entire addition would be located within the Stream Conservation Area (SCA) associated with Bull Tail Creek. Additionally, an ephemeral drainage that flows north into Bull Tail Creek. Additionally, an ephemeral drainage that flows north into Bull Tail Creek lies approximately 25 feet east of the site of the proposed addition.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Marin County Skywalker Ranch Brook House Addition
Marin County Skywalker Properties, LTD., Precise Development Plan
Marin County Skywalker Properties, LTD., Precise Development Plan