SCH Number 2006112152

Project Info

Ross Nash Parcel Map Subdivision APN: 306-381-11 (S. Eureka area) Case No.: PMS-06-13
The Minor Subdivision to divide a 1.19 acre parcel into two parcels of 11,750 sf (net) and 34,207 sf (net), respectively. Proposed Parcel 1 is developed with a single family residence and proposed parcel 2 is developed with a 785 sq. ft. second dwelling unit (under construction) above a detached garage and workshop. Both parcels are and will be served with community water and sewer. This parcel Map Subdivision and Negative Declaration was previously approved and certified by the Planning Commission on January 4, 2007 under PMS-06-13, SCH# 2006112152. Subsequently, the tentative map expires and this is the reapplication of the same map to which there have been no changes in the design or map or any conditions of approval for this project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Nash Parcel Map
Humboldt County Ross Nash Parcel Map Subdivision APN: 306-381-11 (S. Eureka area) Case No.: PMS-06-13
Humboldt County Ross Nash Parcel Map Subdivision APN: 306-381-11 (S. Eureka area) Case No.: PMS-06-13