SCH Number 2006111033

Project Info

Ocean KAMP Final SEIR
The purpose of the proposed Project is to develop a mixed-use California lifestyle resort with associated shopping, retail, commercial and recreational opportunities, interspersed with residential and open space uses. The Project proposes approximately 35 acres of commercial uses within the central/ southwestern portion of the site and approximately 36 acres of residential uses within the northern and eastern portions of the site. The remaining 20 acres of the site are proposed to be preserved as open space, including a 4-acre stepping-stone wildlife corridor located along the eastern property boundary. Commercial uses are proposed to include a 300-key resort hotel, hotel conference buildings, a surf lagoon and beach club, and commercial buildings offering approximately 126,400 square feet (SF) of office, retail and restaurants. Total square footage of the resort, commercial, and conference facilities would total approximately 472,850 SF. A maximum of 700 multi-family residential dwelling units are proposed within nine residential lots located adjacent to the existing residential areas east and north of the Project site. The proposed Project residences would be integrated through vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle connections. The proposed Project would provide a number of parks linked by a series of trails to create an open space network of recreational areas.
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11 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW) OceanKAMP (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-SDO-31328-R5)
City of Oceanside Ocean KAMP Final SEIR
City of Oceanside Ocean KAMP Final SEIR
City of Oceanside Ocean KAMP
City of Oceanside Ocean KAMP Draft Supplemental EIR
City of Oceanside Ocean KAMP (T19-0000$, D19-00016, CUP19-00021)
City of Oceanside Pavilion at Oceanside Project Environmental Impact Report
City of Oceanside The Pavilion at Oceanside
City of Oceanside The Pavilion at Oceanside
City of Oceanside The Pavilion at Oceanside
City of Oceanside The Pavilion at Oceanside