SCH Number 2006102063

Project Info

Mercer Fraser Conditional Use/Surface Mining Permits and Reclamation Plan
A Conditional Use Permit/Surface Permit and approval of a Reclamation Plan for the continued annual extraction from the South Fork Eel River gravel bar. Gravel extraction was previously permitted under CUP-21-88. The current project proposes an annual extraction of up to 20,000 cubic yards of river run gravel, and includes the existing processing facility which involves material crushing and/or sorting; onsite storage of material; loading activities; weight and hauling by truck; and equipment repairs. The existing hot-mix asphalt plant has been operational since the start of the Mercer Fraser operations in 1969, and is not part of this application.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Mercer Fraser Company Cooks Valley Bar Conditional Use/Surface Mining Permits and Reclamation Plan
Humboldt County Mercer Fraser Conditional Use/Surface Mining Permits and Reclamation Plan
Humboldt County Mercer Fraser Company Cooks Valley Bar Conditional Use/Surface Mining Permits and Reclamation Plan