SCH Number 2006092004
Project Info
- Title
- Los Gatos Creek Trail Reach 5
- Description
- The City of San Jose proposes to construct a multi-use trail along Los Gatos Creek to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. The trail will be located along the west side of Los Gatos Creek from Auzerais Avenue to W. San Fernando Street. At W. San Fernando Street, the trail will cross the creek on the existing bridge on W. San Fernando Street and extend along the east side of Los Gatos Creek to Santa Clara Street. The trail will consist of a Class 1, 12-foot wide paved path, with two-foot wide compacted base rock shoulders on each side where space allows. Portions of the trail will extend along existing sidewalks that will be improved to accommodate the trail. The trail also includes wayfinding signage, hardscape improvements at intersections, and incidental landscaping.
2 documents in project