SCH Number 2006082001

Project Info

American Canyon Housing Element Update
The City of American Canyon has an obligation to accommodate 564 lower income, 470 moderate income, and 683 above moderate income "fair share" residential units via an agreement between the City of American Canyon, Napa County, and the California Department of Housing and Community Development as authorized by ABAG and provided for in Government Code Section 65584 (c)(5). Within the RO District, the amount of residential in the CC and CN commercial districts will allow densities of 20 units per gross acre for CC and CN parcels west of Route 29 at 50% site coverage and 35 units per gross acre for parcels east of Route 29 at 60% site coverage. Thirty proposed parcels compose Sites 1-11. This Initial Study analyzes these sites for significant environmental effects. All the sites are either vacant or contain single-family residential structures or small-scale commercial establishments.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of American Canyon American Canyon Housing Element Update
City of American Canyon American Canyon Housing Element Update