SCH Number 2006081151

Project Info

Carmel Valley Master Plan - Traffic Improvement Plan
NOTE: Review Per Lead Portions of the proposed Carmel Valley Traffic Improvement Program have been updated since the August 2007 draft SEIR. As updated, the Carmel Valley Traffic Improvement Program includes a specified list of road improvements along Carmel Valley Road and Laureles Grade within the Carmel Valley Master Plan Area in Monterey County, proposed amendments to the Carmel Valley Master Plan, consideration of several interim improvement options for one intersection, a change in LOS standard for one segment (Segment 3), and a proposed update of traffic impact fees to pay for the proposed improvements through collection of fees from new development. This program constitutes the "project" analyzed in the Draft SEIR dated August 2007 and this PRDEIR, for the purposes of CEQA. This EIR is a programmatic EIR and is not intended as a project-level CEQA documents for the proposed improvements. Project-level CEQA compliance would need to be completed for proposed improvements at the point at which designs have been developed to allow site-specific analysis of environmental impacts.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Monterey County Carmel Valley Master Plan - Traffic Improvement Plan
Monterey County Carmel Valley Master Plan - Traffic Improvement Plan
Monterey County Carmel Valley Master Plan