SCH Number 2006081127

Project Info

North Baja Expansion Project
The pipelines will be installed using conventional trenching, horizontal directional drilling, and blasting. Construction of the B-Line will require a temporary easement of 75- to 105-feet, the IID Lateral will require a temporary easement of 30- to 60-feet. The project's actual use of workspace within its construction rights-of-way may vary within the total width of the construction rights-of-way. Impacts include trenching across washes and wetlands.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State Lands Commission North Baja Pipeline Expansion Project
California State Lands Commission North Baja Pipeline Expansion Project
California State Lands Commission North Baja Expansion Project
California State Lands Commission North Baja Expansion Project
California State Lands Commission North Baja Pipeline Expansion Project