SCH Number 2006081108
Project Info
- Title
- Weir Canyon/La Palma Avenue Lane Addition
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2006-0376-R5 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, City of Anaheim, John Lower. The applicant proposes to widen Weir Canyon Road approximately 20 feet to facilitate the construction of a dedicated right-hand turn lane from northbound Weir Canyon Road to eastbound La Palma Avenue that will begin immediately north of the Santa Ana River bridge. A manufactured slope will be created below the widened road, and the existing concrete drainage ditch at the bottom of the hill will be moved to approximately 20 feet northeast. Total impacts resulting from this construction includes the loss of 0.68 acre of coastal sage scrub habitat and riparian habitat (0.13 acre are permanent impacts and 0.55 acre are temporary impacts). The operator shall mitigate onsite for 0.68 acre of temporary and permanent impacts to jurisdictional channel, by the creation of 0.68 acre of riparian and Coastal Sage Scrub habitat.
2 documents in project