SCH Number 2006081073

Project Info

Port of Long Beach Southeast Basin Vessel Emission Control Project
Metropolitan Stevedore Company proposes to construct an Advanced Maritime Emissions Control System (AMECS) for reducing at-berth emissions from vessels calling at their facility on Pier G, at Berths G212 and G214. Initial construction will include installation of an emission treatment unit and a fixed tower mounted near the wharf at Berth G212. The AMECS will be tested in a pilot study at Berth G212 to determine its effectiveness for reducing emissions and if successful, then expanded in a second phase to Berth G214. Further, the Port of Long Beach is evaluating potential future expansion of the system around the Southeast Basin, to include a total of two emission treatment units and eight fixed tower emission control systems, through a multi-phase build-out process.
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Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach Southeast Basin Vessel Emission Control Project
Port of Long Beach Port of Long Beach Southeast Basin Vessel Emission Control Project