SCH Number 2006051071

Project Info

City of Ventura Downtown Specific Plan DEIR
The 2007 Ventura Downtown Specific Plan is located on approximately 514 acres bounded generally by the Pacific Ocean to the south; the foothills to the north; State Highway 33 to the west; and Sanion Road to the east including the City's entire Redevelopment Project Area. In addition, the majority of properties lie within the City's approved Local Coastal Zone (LCP). The Ventura Downtown Specific Plan is intended to function as a policy document to guide land use decisions within the City's Downtown through 2025 through goals, policies, and implementation programs as well as Development Code, Historic Resource Design Guidelines and a Streetscape Plan for Downtown.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Buenaventura County of Ventura Downtown Specific Plan
City of San Buenaventura County of Ventura Downtown Specific Plan
City of San Buenaventura City of Ventura Downtown Specific Plan DEIR
City of San Buenaventura County of Ventura Downtown Specific Plan