SCH Number 2006051050

Project Info

Pine Mountain Well No. 5 Blending Facility and Water Well Project
The Del Oro/Pine Flat Water Company is proposing to construct and operate a new well (Well No. 5) and treat the combined source of water supply from the Barn, Meadow, and Well #5 wells for uranium removal, iron/manganese blending, and chlorination prior to distribution. The treatment facility is designed to treat water from all three wells with a maximum combined capacity of 154 gpm or less. The project will improve the water system's reliability and provide additional water storage and fire flow capacity to the system's customers.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Pine Mountain Well No. 5 Blending and Uranium Removal Facility
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Pine Mountain Well No. 5 Blending Facility and Water Well Project