SCH Number 2006041156

Project Info

Planning Area 6 Zone 6 and Zone D Reservoirs Project
The scope of this project is to construct the PA 6 Zone 6 and Zone D Reservoirs, access road, and connecting pipelines. The Zone 6 reservoir would be a 2.5 MG domestic water tank with an inside diameter of 122 feet. The Zone D reservoir would be a 0.66 MG recycled water tank with an inside diameter of 64 feet. The two reservoirs would be partially buried, pre-stressed concrete tanks, with an approximate height of 30 feet. The access road is designed to extend approximately 1/4 mile in length and pipelines would connect to the Zone 6 and D water distribution systems. The schedule provides for construction of the facilities by October 2007.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Irvine Ranch Water District Planning Area 6 Zone 6 and Zone D Reservoirs Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Planning Area 6 Zone 6 and Zone D Reservoirs Project