SCH Number 2006032056

Project Info

Cache Creek North Levee Setback Project - Critical Erosion Site 3
The proposed project would construct a setback levee along the north bank of Cache Creek at a critical erosion site. On February 24, 2006, the Governor of California proclaimed that a State of Emergency exists for California's levee system and he included this site as needing levee repair to prevent catastrophic failure which would result in significant environmental impacts. The new levee would be approximately 890 feet in length, and would be placed 50 feet from the existing levee. The existing levee would remain in place and would be notched to allow for drainage.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Central Valley Flood Protection Board Cache Creek North Levee Setback Project - Critical Erosion Site 3
Central Valley Flood Protection Board Cache Creek North Levee Setback Project - Critical Erosion Site 3