SCH Number 2006031055

Project Info

Olson Company Residential Development at Signal Hill
City Council Resolution No. 2006-12-5580, Relative to the Adoption of a MND associated with the PacificWalk Residential Specific Plan project for 54 townhome-style condominium units including General Plan Amendment (reclassifying the site from Commercial General and Light Industrial to High Density Residential), Zoning Ordinance Amendments (rezoning the site to SP-18 and adopting development standards for the SP-18 Specific Plan). Tentative Tract Map No. 64808 (allowing the units to be sold as condominiums) and Site Plan and Design Review (approving the building placement and design).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Signal Hill Negative Declaration No. 5/4/06(1), Relative to the Pacificwalk Residential Specific Plan Project
City of Signal Hill Olson Company Residential Development at Signal Hill
City of Signal Hill Olson Company Residential Development at Signal Hill