SCH Number 2005092083

Project Info

Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Project (SVRWP)
The Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District proposed a project to provide up to approximately 2,750 acre-feet per year of recycled water to agricultural and urban users in Sonoma Valley for irrigation and other non-potable uses. The project consists of the construction and operation of the following project components: - Construct approximately 34 miles of recycled water pipelines extending from the District wastewater treatment facility to the users; - Construct storage facilities: (1) operational and capacity storage reservoirs adjacent to the District wastewater treatment facility; (2) operational storage at abandoned City of Sonoma steel water storage tanks; - Construct pumping facilities: (1) one booster pump station to maintain sufficient water pressure to supply recycled water from one operational and one capacity storage reservoir to the pipelines; - Construct service turnouts for pipelines and other facilities for the purpose of maintenance; and - Construct associated connecting pipelines and other appurtenances for connecting project components.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sonoma County Sanitation District Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Project (SVRWP)
Sonoma County Sanitation District Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Project (SVRWP)
Sonoma County Sanitation District Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Project (SVRWP)
Sonoma County Sanitation District Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Project (SVRWP)