SCH Number 2005091075
Project Info
- Title
- Estates at Costa Del Mar II
- Description
- Coastal Development Permit, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Permit, Tentative Map, and a Rezone from AR-1 to AR-1-2 / OC-1-1 to subdivide a 10.22-acre parcel into five custom home lots for single-family residences. The custom homes would be a maximum of approximately 14,000 square feet and quest quarters a maximum of 1,050 square feet, and would be a maximum of two stories or 30 feet in height. Each of the newly created five lots would provide a minimum of two parking spaces on site. The project is located at the terminus of Arroyo Sorrento Place, in the Carmel Valley Community Planning Area, with a private driveway providing access to each lot (Portions of Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of Map 11968).
2 documents in project