SCH Number 2005082029

Project Info

Brookside Gardens
The applicants are requesting approval of a Preliminary and Precise Development Plan, a General Plan Amendment to change the designation from Service Commercial to Medium-High Density Residential, a rezone to Planned Unit Development, Design Review, and Tentative Subdivision Map to create an 11 unit, small lot, attached single-family residential subdivision. Two of the units will be designated as affordable to a low-income buyer. None of the homes will back up to the adjacent creek. There will be small encroachments of parts of the proposed private driveway into the 30-foot creek setback. However, the driveway will be constructed of pervious pavement to allow storm water recharge. A curb and the slope of the drive will direct the water away from direct flow into the creek. The creek setback will be donated to the City of Cloverdale to be added to the City park system.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Cloverdale Brookside Gardens
City of Cloverdale Brookside Gardens