SCH Number 2005082022

Project Info

City of Wheatland - General Plan Update
The proposed General Plan Update project involves adopting a new set of land use policy guidelines constituting the City's long-term plans and goals for growth. The General Plan Update expresses the City of Wheatland's ultimate development goals and incorporates public policies relative to the distribution of future public and private land uses. The General Plan includes the seven elements required by the State of California, including Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, and Noise and Safety. The accompanying General Plan EIR evaluates the environmental effects resulting from the build out of the Wheatland General Plan Update Project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Wheatland City of Wheatland - General Plan Update
City of Wheatland City of Wheatland - General Plan Update
City of Wheatland City of Wheatland - General Plan Update