SCH Number 2005081098

Project Info

Butcher Ranch-Tentative Tract Map No. 52214
The Applicant proposes to develop 11 single-family, detached dwelling units within the 8.55 acre project site, along with associated roadway and utility infrastructure improvements and a flood control basin. The total on-site grading includes 22.858 cubic yards of cut and 22,614 cubic yards of fill, with 1,244 cubic yards to be exported to a berm along Palos Verde Drive. The project as proposed includes partial fill of an on-site drainage feature and its associated riparian habitat as well as restoration of the natural drainage course through the development of a bioswale and detention basin that will outfall to a stand pipe inlet and existing 24" pipe conveyance system off-site.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rolling Hills Estates Butcher Ranch Subdivision
City of Rolling Hills Estates Butcher Ranch Subdivision
City of Rolling Hills Estates Butcher Ranch Subdivision
City of Rolling Hills Estates Butcher Ranch Subdivision
City of Rolling Hills Estates Butcher Ranch Subdivision