SCH Number 2005072173

Project Info

Davies/Merril Watershed Restoration Project
The watershed restoration project is located on Davies and Merril Creeks, within approximately 14 acres of Sardine Valley, Merril Valley, Jones Valley Meadows, and along the upper reaches of Davies Creek upstream of Sardine Valley. Failing rock check dams, railroad grades constructed in the 1920s, and existing and abandoned road sections in or immediately adjacent to the channels have caused excessive erosion, headcuts, down-cutting, channel diversion and construction, and loss or degradation of riparian habitat, flood plain attenuation and function, and groundwater storage. Project restoration activities include stabilizing headcuts, relocating stream flow to original channels, closing off the existing degraded channels, removing obstructive debris (i.e., the historic railroad grades and abandoned roads) from flood plains, installing interpretive signs to inform the public of the historic railroad system and why it was removed, and revegetating disturbed areas.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Merrill Davies Stream and Meadow Restoration (SNC 070229)
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Davies/Merril Watershed Restoration Project