SCH Number 2005072059

Project Info

Route 84 Safety Improvement Project
Project elements include improving sight distance and vertical clearances at the Rosewarnes and Farwell underpasses, widening shoulders to meet current standards, relocating the Palomares Road/State Route 84 intersection ~62.3 ft to south, providing a northbound left turn pocket at Palomares Road, and replacing the box culvert at Stonybrook Creek with a free span bridge. The new bridge at Stonybrook Creek will provide improved flow capacity to meet storm flow requirements while facilitating fish passage in Stonybrook Creek. The new bridge is also designed to allow bed load transport through the site, reduce channel maintenance requirements, and respond to the creek's normal aggradation and degradation cycles. In addition to the bridge replacement, the following structures will be removed from the stream channel: an old rock weir on Stonybrook Creek, remnants of an old road, asphalt bank protection, and a bridge abutment at the confluence of Stonybrook and Alameda Creeks. Approximately 1.946 acres of temporary and 1.898 acres of permanent riparian impacts will result from the construction of access and working benches in Alameda Creek, retaining wall construction in Alameda Creek, and armoring of the retaining walls with rock slope protection. The three retaining walls will have a combined length of ~2064 ft. This work will result in the removal of ~101 riparian trees.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 4 State Route 84 Niles Canyon Safety Widening Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Route 84 Safety Improvement Project