SCH Number 2005062070

Project Info

Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Rights Petition for Extension of Time
The District diverts water from the underflow of the Russian River under a permit that specifies a maximum diversion rate of 3.0 cubic feet per second and maximum annual diversion volume of 1,249 acre feet. Current water supply requirements can be satisfied under these terms. The State Division of Water Rights intends to convert the water rights permit to a license based on reported historic uses of slightly more than 1,100 acre feet per year. The District desires to file a water rights petition for extension of time so that is may have additional time to put the entire 1,249 acre feet per year to beneficial use as the District's housing stock converts to full-time occupancy and vacant lots are built out. To utilitize the maximum amount of 1,249 acre feet per year, pumping durations would increase by approximately 10 percent. No other changes or improvements to the supply facilities will occur. This Initial Study examines potential environmental impacts associated with the Division of Water Rights granting the extension.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sweetwater Springs Water District Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Rights Petition for Extension of Time
Sweetwater Springs Water District Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Rights Petition for Extension of Time