SCH Number 2005062029
Project Info
- Title
- Williamson Coastal Development and Conditional Use Permits (CDP-04-95 / CUP-04-34) for a <3-acre Conversion
- Description
- A CDP / CUP for the commercial harvest of +/- 150 trees within a 1.2 acre portion of a 2.5 acre residential parcel. The harvest will remove +/- 54% of the trees. The trees to be removed range in size from 12-60" diameter and 130-160' in height and are mostly redwood with some red alder. The harvest is intended to open up yard area and remove hazard trees from around the existing residence. There is an intermittent watercourse that traverses the northern end of the parcel. The State's Forest Practice Rules require a 50' setback which corresponds to the requirements of the Trinidad Area Plan (TAP), §3.30B(5)(e)(2) with regards to timber harvests less than 3 acre in size with riparian corridor areas. The forester proposes to remove trees up to the 50' setback from the watercourse, but restrict heavy equipment to an area no closer than 100'. The residence is served by on-site sewage disposal and community water. No new development is proposed at this time.
2 documents in project